Industry News

ICCAIA Welcomes CAAF/3 Agreement on Sustainable Aviation Fuels

Dubai, November 24th, 2023 ICCAIA warmly welcomes the agreement reached by ICAO Member States today at the Third Conference on Aviation Alternative Fuels (CAAF/3) in Dubai and congratulates ICAO on achieving a successful outcome. The text not only reaffirms the commitment to the Long-Term Aspirational Goal (LTAG) of Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050 but […]

ICCAIA is hiring!

We have an exciting opportunity for someone to join our team as Director, Air Navigation and Safety Policy, working with aerospace manufacturers and service providers to support global policymaking.  Check out the job description here or apply through LinkedIn ICCAIA will have several Montreal-based career opportunities over the coming months, check out careers page regularly […]

Successful Outcomes from the ICAO Aviation Gender Summit

Montréal and Madrid, 10 July 2023 – The ICAO Global Aviation Gender Summit in Madrid resulted in a “Call to Action” that comprises several clear and actionable steps and strategies towards resolving the aviation sector’s very significant gender equality challenges.  The Call to Action was presented by the President of the ICAO Council, Salvatore Sciacchitano. Priorities […]

ICCAIA Has High Hopes for Environmental Agreement at the 41st ICAO General Assembly

Montreal, September 21st, 2022 With the 41st ICAO General Assembly rapidly approaching, the International Coordinating Council of Aerospace industries Associations, ICCAIA, representing the global civil aerospace manufacturing and services sector has high expectations that a comprehensive and meaningful environmental agreement will be reached by all involved parties. This Assembly represents a unique opportunity to unify […]

Encouraging progress at ICAO talks, next step Assembly

MONTREAL, 22 July 2022 The aviation industry says progress towards a long-term climate goal for the global air transport sector took a significant step forward this week at high-level talks in Montreal. Representatives of over 100 countries met at the United Nations specialised agency the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Haldane Dodd, Executive Director of […]

Aerospace Leaders’ Dialogue Singapore 2022

The Aerospace Leaders' Dialogue Singapore 2022 was held in conjunction with the Singapore Airshow 2022 around the theme of “Sustainability, Innovation and Technology for the Future of Aerospace”

ICCAIA Commitment to Net Zero 2050

Montreal, 6 January 2022. On behalf of the civil aerospace manufacturing and services industry, ICCAIA today commits to supporting net zero carbon emissions in civil aviation operations. With responsibility for research, development and industrialization of aeroplanes and engines, ICCAIA manufacturers are committed to an innovation path that will bring evolutionary and revolutionary technologies to market, […]

ICCAIA Welcomes New Associate Member MAIA

Montreal, December 2021  ICCAIA is delighted to welcome the Malaysia Aerospace Industry Association, MAIA, as a new associate member. MAIA is the industry association for the commercial aerospace sector in Malaysia. Launched in 2016, it is a platform for Malaysian industry players to tackle common interests such as industrial development, promotion of the Malaysian aerospace […]

ICCAIA Statement on New COVID-19 Omicron Variant

Montreal 3 December, 2021. ICCAIA’s Chairman, Jan Pie, today made a statement following the recent emergence of the COVID-19 Omicron variant. “In the past days, we have seen an increasing number of Governments responding to the new coronavirus variant by imposing travel bans and inconsistent measures. In line with ICAO and WHO recommendations, we must […]

International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Associations Welcomes Ministerial Declaration from ICAO High Level Conference on COVID-19

International Coordinating Council of Aerospace industries Associations (ICCAIA), representing the global aerospace manufacturing community, welcomed, today, the strong leadership shown by Ministers attending ICAO’s High-Level Conference on COVID-19 (HLCC).
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