
Representing manufacturers and service providers for a safe, secure, sustainable and efficient international air transportation system

Our Vision

A safe, secure, efficient and sustainable international air transportation system, supported by a thriving civil aerospace manufacturing and services industry.

Our Mission

To foster growth of the world’s aerospace manufacturing industry by:

  1. Supporting the development of effective standards for safe, secure, and efficient air transport
  2. Growing international civil aviation capacity
  3. Harmonizing civil aviation policies and regulations to the maximum degree possible
  4. Providing technical expertise

ICCAIA’s Strategic Priorities are:

  • Build on ICCAIA’s position as a preeminent industry association within the United Nations system, with other international standard-setting bodies and with Member States.
  • Promote the resilience of the future aerospace and aviation industry, including in the areas of Sustainability (Net Zero policy), Workforce, Safety and Security and Resilience to Future Shocks.
  • Grow ICCAIA’s membership and presence while ensuring its continued effective operation.
  • Minimize adverse regulatory impact and avoid market distortion.
  • Advocate for processes to allow for a regulatory framework compatible with the capabilities and needs of the manufacturer and service provider community.
  • Ensure appropriate representation and advocacy for technical and strategic subjects of interest to the sector.

Benefits of Membership

ICCAIA brings together a global community of manufacturers and service providers

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