
Representing manufacturers and service providers for a safe, secure, sustainable and efficient international air transportation system

Jan Pie at ICAO State of the Industry Address

2021/11/12 / ICAO / By ICCAIA

Montreal 12th November 2021 – Jan Pie, Chairman of ICCAIA, today spoke about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the outlook for the manufacturing and services industry at the ICAO State of the Industry address. He spoke about the profound effect of the pandemic on manufacturing but highlighted that it will be some time…

International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Associations Welcomes Ministerial Declaration from ICAO High Level Conference on COVID-19

2021/10/22 / Covid19 / By ICCAIA

International Coordinating Council of Aerospace industries Associations (ICCAIA), representing the global aerospace manufacturing community, welcomed, today, the strong leadership shown by Ministers attending ICAO’s High-Level Conference on COVID-19 (HLCC).

ICCAIA Calls on ICAO to Establish a Permanent Crisis Response Mechanism

2021/10/13 / Covid19 / By ICCAIA

Jan Pie, Chair of ICCAIA, today made a statement to the Ministerial Plenary of the International Civil Aviation Organisation’s (ICAO) High Level Conference on COVID (HLCC) congratulating the work performed to date and calling for the establishment of an international crisis response mechanism to be prepared for future pandemics and other emergencies.

ICCAIA Joins Aviation Industry Partners to Reach Net-Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050

2021/10/05 / Environment / By ICCAIA

ICCAIA is proud to be a signatory to the aviation industry’s commitment to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. The commitment is supported by the aerospace manufacturers, airlines, airports, and air traffic management around the world through the Air Transport Action Group (ATAG) consortium.

International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Associations highlights the need for strong cybersecurity and support for innovation at ICAO’s AVSEC Symposium

2021/09/09 / Security / By ICCAIA

Speaking at the ICAO AVSEC Symposium, Nina Brooks, Vice President at ICCAIA, reflected on the changes in aviation security in the 20 years since the tragic events of 9/11.

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