IAWA Connect – Industry Sustainability and Gender diversity
ICCAIA is delighted to be sponsoring and speaking at the next IAWA Connect meeting on October 3rd at 5:30pm. The meeting takes place alongside ICAO’s 41st Assembly and will feature a roundtable discussion highlighting gender diversity’s importance to the industry’s sustainability, outcomes of the discussion on gender during the Assembly, and actions that need to be…
Newsletter, Summer 2022
Read about ICCAIA’s activities and learn more about the outcomes of the High-Level Meeting on the Long Term Aspirational Goal for CO2 reduction, Advanced Air Mobility, Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, Autonomous Distress Tracking, the Cybersecurity Panel and the 41st Assembly of ICAO.
Encouraging progress at ICAO talks, next step Assembly
MONTREAL, 22 July 2022 The aviation industry says progress towards a long-term climate goal for the global air transport sector took a significant step forward this week at high-level talks in Montreal. Representatives of over 100 countries met at the United Nations specialised agency the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Haldane Dodd, Executive Director of…
How do you pronounce ICCAIA?
We know that our acronym is a tough one to pronounce, so our Board of Directors, staff and members are here to help!
Newsletter, Spring 2022
Read about ICCAIA’s activities, including CAEP, Integrated Communication, Navigation and Surveillance Systems Task Force, CAPSCA, the 41st Assembly of ICAO, and meet our new Vice-Chair.