Aircraft Noise and Emissions Committee (ANEC)
The manufacturing industry has made a commitment to design and build products that throughout their development, manufacture, operation and end of life processes will be more sustainable to support industry, state, and global ambitions for reducing aviation’s environmental impact.
The ANEC provides input to the ICAO Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) on aircraft noise, engine gaseous emissions (NOx, HC, and CO), non-volatile particulate matter, and greenhouse gases (CO2) to address these issues. In particular, The ANEC provides information on how to measure the effects that are to be controlled, the technology available for such control, as well as the trade-offs that may occur when trying to reduce one of the three variables on the other two.
The ANEC also examines operational approaches to reducing noise and emissions as well as technological measures (e.g., improved air traffic management and market-based options). Finally, the ANEC also operates within the scope of the Stockholm and Basel conventions to address toxic waste products associated with international aviation.
Chair: Olivier Husse
Vice Chairs: Mark Huising and Heather Sheffer
Point of Contact:
Mr. Dan Carnelly
Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance/Air Traffic Management/ (CNS/ATM)
Civil aviation can only expand as rapidly as national air traffic control systems can safely and expeditiously handle increased movement of aircraft. Such expansion requires both financial resources and new technologies, and equally difficult changes in operational techniques and, increasingly, international cooperation.
The CNS/ATM Committee examines how new technologies and different operational concepts can expand the capacity of air traffic control services. It also looks forward to the infrastructure needed to support new types of vehicles, an integrated airspace between all users and the next era of digital airspace using unmanned traffic management systems.
Chair: Tim Murphy
Vice Chair: Laurent Azoulai
Point of Contact:
Nina Brooks
Airworthiness Committee
The ICCAIA Airworthiness Committee coordinates industry positions concerning aircraft airworthiness requirements, as well as the acceptance and resolution of any tasks of an international nature relating to airworthiness certification requirements. The Airworthiness Committee is concerned primarily with actions on an international basis, contributing to ICAO policy making and best practices. With members from across the manufacturing industry and maintenance organizations, it advocates for efficient and effective regulation of safety and airworthiness matters.
Chair: Keith Candline
Vice Chair: Dan Burns
Point of Contact
Nina Brooks
Security Committee
Aviation security is a vital component of the aviation system. ICCAIA’s security committee deals with both physical security and cybersecurity. With members representing manufacturers of leading providers of security equipment as well as cybersecurity experts from all aspects of aerospace, the committee works to develop and express a coordinated industry position on all matters relating to security. Committee members participate in ICAO AVSEC and cybersecurity activities, panels and groups.
Chair: Xavier Depin
Vice Chair: Sean Sullivan
Point of Contact:
Nina Brooks
Health, Facilitation and Crisis Response Committee
ICCAIA’s Health, Facilitation and Crisis Response Committee is responsible for the development of positions and guidance concerning aviation facilitation, health related topics and crisis management and response.
Committee members participate in the ICAO Facilitation Panel and Working Groups on Guidance material and Annex 9 as well as in the Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation (CAPSCA) and its sub-groups. It also has responsibility for crisis management, looking beyond the immediate pandemic related work to best practices for managing a broad range of issues from civil unrest to weather events.
Chair: Nicolas Bardou
Vice Chair: TBA
Point of Contact:
Nina Brooks